The story of computing has begin there almost one century. But, the fourth generation of the personal computer 😉 has begin on the 1970-80 years. We can talking about the most popular as hackers, a programmers, or same inventors of electronic system or computer system (see of conceptors)...

Here, some personality in computer science:

-Bill Gates create «Microsoft Windows»

-Steve Jobs and Steeve Wozniak base «Apple»

-Linus Benedict Torvals programm its operating system or precisely, its kernel called «LINUX»

Here, some famous hacker:

-Captain crunch has been know as a phreaker. He use a whistle found in a cereal box who permitted to free call by phone.

Other guys building bleu Box in their garage. Remember that if they be catch by the cops, they risk some punishement.

Voici des hackers connuent de réputation:

Kevin Mitnick (a former hacker/cracker)

Tsutomu shimomura (computer Security expert)

Kevin Poulsen (journalist)

Gary Mackinnon (system admin.)

Remember what is a lamer, a crasher, a script kiddie, a hacker, a black hat, a white hat, grey hat and real computer pirate

The newbeez used in forum or gameplay for scoff.

The Lamer is a hacker with have got littles computers skills. But, who know how use a malwares.

The Script kiddie is by effect a Lamer who use the scripts and some exploits.

The crasher is a black hat who want failed your network, your website for foolishs reasons.

Hacker is a pirate who want find a vulnerability or breach security for break into a distant system, this is a term "Blue Hat" who define the researcher of vulnerability, who can be a software operating system(pc or mac) or other system (router, a website...). See Microsoft.

There are four type very well known:

The black hat Hacker; they are the bads guys of the internet. They want steal your data, password, email, credit card number, phone number. Every that will allow them of track you, of stole you. Even if this real in local.. For them trojan horse , keylogger, rootkit, exploit and other, allow get access right or break into your computer or other distant system.

The white hat are the goods guys of the internet. They does all for that internet become more safe, they does a security, computing security network, security releases ...

The greys hat are bads and goods guys. We don’t can classe it.

The cracker: They break into software, all passwords, easily and are a virus builder and are a malwares builders. They are a real computers pirates.

You can found lot of informations on the most populars hackers, on the webs.


The Hacker versus webmaster of website:

It guys get divers realization and are reputate. They use a breach into network, protocol and web developpement. They can hack or penetrate in an back-office, also. The website where they are easy to penetrate, on a account of webmaster or user for example by SQL hack. Defacement can permit to write on a victim website, by coding or for run a DDoS and give opinion on the World Wibe Web. They are the better people on computer hack, they are competant.

Internet is more or less controled, regulated. He look like to Western more that a democratic country.

There are just below a figures who give an idea about of "Hacker":

They are frequently represent by a skeleton

But who can be also represented by a masking man

or by a man who get a hat.

We can understood on that protect software and protect programm are usefull. The virus are used and create by malicious persons.

Alert Launcher (whistleblower) and global oversight:

The whistleblower get a very bad reputation.

Snowden has denounced mass oversight with the media. Has denounced the United State, the English Governement and the NSA who work on the SECRET project telephonne tapping, systems tapping on the internet and mass programm of oversight. He must be quit his country because he was accused of stole and spying. He choose to run away...

The emblem of surveillance network:

Building by a triangle involving a eye or a simply eye...


Radom is a equipement who listen...

The network (internet) is attacked from all sides by hackers who use a computer viruses, rootkits, trojan (servers)... It’s hardly to beleive that a hackers get access into our network. But, It’s more complex to beleive a government get enter into our personal material (data of phone, data of computer...). We talking of mass oversight.