Keep your Public IP and Private IP "private":
Yes, an IP hidden of hackers is important for the security of ours Informations Systems. So, here the most usefull commands for manage, alone, your own networks computers.
nslookup: Verify an name server with this IP (working with DNS service).
ping: Testing the accessibility and the lagging (ttl).
ipconfig: Returning the informations of your networks interfaces (or simply networks).
tracert: Following the mapped network of an IP paquet.
⚠time: Display or choose the time of your personnal computer (or your machine)⚠.
nslookup: Verify an name server with this IP (working with DNS service).
ping: Testing the accessibility and the lagging (ttl).
ifconfig: Returning the informations of your networks interfaces (or simply networks).
traceroute: Following the mapped network of an IP paquet.
⚠date: Display or choose the time of your personnal computer (or your machine)⚠.
The whois is a network service who permit to get informations (of IP for example) from an dedied website or directy from your terminal.
And, it is from the control panel on windows
or from the taskbar on linux
, where you found your own networks interfaces (or networks setting) for setup your IP.