How does a scripts kiddies?
Un script kiddie think be the better of all the hackers (they thinking be a gods in computer science).
hming3 is a tools who permitting to send many types of paquets toward a distants systems.
Netsniff is a script or programm who permit the controls of our computers networks (our networks traffics).
Network analys of our computer can be good for these administrations . Netsniff-ng, dsniff and other are so a powering tools for the administartion of our machines 😉 ( We talk here about of IP, of services or protocols)
Real application of pen testing. With Metasploit Framework we can creating somes many exploits for a vulnerability in operating system (microsoft windows only) on our dedied computers (We aren't a blue hat already but maybe in many years).
We can talks about Kali Linux more appreciate in the modern ethical hacking for run DDoS, exploit, spam ...etc