serial : A serial is a code than you get when you buy a software, for use it.
keygen : A keygen is a sowtare for generate your serial software for your game or program.
crack : A crack is a icons who you authoriz the start of your program as your game.
full download : is the package who contains the serial + crack + installer.EXE
*****.rar : rar is an extension or FORMAT, your installer.EXE is contain inside of the folder.RAR , you had need an uncompressor RAR.
*****.zip : zip is an extension or FORMAT, your installer.EXE is contain inside of the folder.ZIP , you had need an uncompressor ZIP.
A freeware : is by effect a free tools or free program
open source : are a soft and from this, you can play with the source code.
A emulator : is in fact a software who can be use for play with your favorite game.
The keygen and cracked game, this type of software, downloaded from internet contain viruses.
You can get it by P2P = Peer to Peer or by direct download from a warez. But, warning, the cop can be present on this page because the soft has been stolen.